If you’ve received an email sending you here, then it’s because I believe answering these questions will help you stay focused and stay on track. Answer honestly, this isn’t about impressing me… it’s about being real with yourself.
Will you get a reply?
Very rarely. This is designed as an accountability resource for you… and knowing that I will read it will hopefully be motivating/exposing enough! If you require additional assistance with NUK SOO and MX, please use your designated WhatsApp support group and tag me directly or for more assistance email our customer service or call the London office at 0208 989 0338.
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Please note, as per our Data policy, All content is 100% private and will never be sold or shared. It is saved for 12 months then deleted. If you need a copy of your recent answers, contact us, and we’d be happy to oblige. To remove yourself from these weekly emails, please request here or to be deleted from ALL email communication; click unsubscribe at the bottom of today’s email.