Last update: Sept 2021
- Welcome to the world of NUK SOO™
- White belt: Days 1-9
- YELLOW BELT: Days 10 - 19
- ORANGE BELT: Days 20 - 29
- GREEN BELT: Days 30 - 39
- BLUE BELT: Days 40 - 49
- PURPLE BELT: Days 50 - 59
- BROWN BELT: Days 60 - 69
- RED BELT: Days 70 - 79
- BLACK BELT: Days 80 - 90
- NUK SOO EXTRA: Drills & Thrills
- NUK SOO Extra: Lifestyle
- Technical Support
- Your Account

Warriors are made… not born.
To unleash your inner athlete, get amazing results and cultivate your warrior spirit, you can’t just do NUK SOO… you have to live it! Today’s workout is the ideal opportunity to show your body & soul just how focused, capable and committed you are. Please meditate on this, get excited by what you can achieve today and enjoy the process.
Welcome to NUK SOO™
The heart of the NUK SOO program is a comprehensive 90-day program that marries body sculpting, fitness, martial arts and philosophy (samurai, zen and stoicism). Your membership to NUK SOO also includes access to NUK SOO Extra: which includes additional workouts, tutorials, challenges, exclusive interviews with experts and more… NUK SOO is constantly expanding, so you’ll never get bored.
The 90-day challenge follows a set pattern every week; 6 days of different physical workouts and a lesson on your lifestyle & mindset every 7th day. To help keep you focused on your journey, we utilise a belt system just like traditional martial arts. This program can be repeated many times as there are different difficulty levels built into the program. Yes… NUK SOO is tough… but the whole ethos, along with the coaching, accountability and motivational elements, are all carefully designed to get real, lasting and dramatic improvement to your body, fitness, and mindset.
Completing the 90-day program will make you more confident and leaner, toned, stronger, flexible, powerful, coordinated & capable. The customers who had the most dramatic results don’t just do NUK SOO; they LIVE it. They take on board the mental lessons, the challenges, the homework, added meditations and let it become a trusted guide. Starting any new plan can be tough…. and I ask a lot of you! But I assure you… if you stick to the plan and do what I ask…. you’ll love it.
I’ve designed NUK SOO to be used both as a kickstart to a new body and as a long-term resource. You can use NUK SOO and NUK SOO Extra (info below) as the foundation of all your training for the coming years. I am excited to be your Coach and I’m glad you’re here. It’ll be a fun ride.
First Timers
If this is the first time you’re doing NUK SOO, this is a seriously tough challenge (very few people actually manage to do the 90-day challenge in 90 days..). Most opt to have an extra day off here and there and repeat certain days they found technically challenging; this is not a bad idea at all. Just like running your first marathon, you shouldn’t care about how long it takes; you need to complete the thing without dying! I recommend you focus all your attention on completing one full cycle and let that be your focus for the next few months. This means finding the time to train, having it as an appointment in your diary, and making NUK SOO part of your routine.
Sticking to the running analogy, when making any fitness journey, the adage of taking one step at a time is so vital when doing a tough challenge like NUK SOO. So please be patient with yourself, stick to my instructions, stay open-minded and try to enjoy the process.
For your first 90-day cycle, please do the ‘professional’ level of difficulty (the ‘easiest’) for all the days and exercises. When you complete the 90-day challenge, next time around, you have the option to move onto the next level of difficulty, and for those who like to feel the pain, I have included a ‘master’ level of difficulty.
Also, as a new member, during your first cycle of NUK SOO, access to the program is drip-fed, so your daily challenges are only revealed to you one day at a time. However, once a day/warrior circuit is revealed, you can then return to it at any time in the future. We have set it up this way at this early stage, and I really want you to focus on one day time! It’s like climbing a huge mountain… If you look up all the time, it can feel overwhelming.. focus on what you have to do today. This helps make NUK SOO a part of your lifestyle, rather than something you have to battle.
The most complex part of designing NUK SOO was mapping out your journey. I don’t want to overwork certain muscles or underwork others; I needed the workouts to be stressful enough on your muscles, tendons, bones, energy systems and central nervous system that they deliver consistent change but be sustainable so you don’t get injured. I’ve made sure your body gets to work through the 3 planes of motion (sagittal, frontal and transversal) and that there is the optimal balance between power, strength, endurance, cardio, mobility and skill. There is also an appropriate balance between upper body and lower body load and between fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscle fibres.
In addition, the warrior mediations and the weekly mindset/lifestyle lessons have also been put in a particular order to maximise their effect. Yes… of course, you are free to use NUK SOO anyway you want! – dipping into workouts is sometimes all we can do… and playing with the additional challenges in NUK SOO Extra allows for this…. but if you wish to maximise a change to your body, fitness and mindset optimally, please make a commitment to yourself and do the 90-day challenge exactly as prescribed.
Regardless of how many times you’ve been through the 90-day challenge, please fill in the form from day 1 and re-introduce yourself to your allocated WhatsApp support group. In addition to the group, you can use the technical support button on this page. if you need any help. You can sign up to a WhatsApp group via the form on Day 1 (in the white belt menu)
As you know, the 90-day challenge is the heart of NUK SOO, but I want to teach you many more exercises, martial art drills, and psychological tools! NUK SOO Extra (a new addition to the program) is where we house all the additional workout challenges, mini-courses, resources and video tutorials. As of September 2021, I am committing to growing NUK SOO EXTRA every week, so keep checking back and seeing what else is new!. If you have any requests for new workouts or tutorials, please ask me directly via your Support group on WhatsApp. Thank you for being a member.

Your NUK SOO® journey starts here; You are now a White Belt warrior. White signifies the birth of a seed as it lies beneath the snow in winter and just like a seed, you must be patient with yourself in these early days. If you want to take any additional days off to recover, then that is totally fine. Regardless of how many times you have done the NUK SOO 90-day challenge, please do exactly what I ask, follow the form of Jen, Dee and myself while training. Please share your progress and ask questions via your designated WhatsApp group.

Well done, you are now a NUK SOO® Yellow belt.
Yellow signifies the first beams of sunlight that shine upon the seed giving it new strength for the beginning of its new life. A yellow belt student is beginning to feel the mental benefits of NUK SOO®.

Well done. You are now a NUK SOO® Orange Belt. Orange represents the growing power of the sun as it warms and prepares the earth for new growth in the spring. The orange belt students should start to feel their bodies develop and see more muscle definition and more fluid in many of the drills. Your warrior spirit is rising inside of you.

Well done on getting this far. Green signifies the growth of the seed as it sprouts from the earth, reaching toward the sun to become a plant. As a green belt student, you have already built a bit of a routine and now I need you to focus more learning on refining your technical skills. The details matter. Look at the demonstrations and try to replicate how Jen, Dee and I perform each drill.

Blue signifies the blue sky as the plant continues to grow towards it. A blue belt student develops body confidence as the plant grows taller. The light feeds the plant so it can continue to grow. The mental side of NUK SOO® starts to make more sense, and the mind and body are working together as one. Please note on Day 45; I have something special for you.

You have now earned your Purple Belt. Purple represents the changing sky of dawn, as once again, the student undergoes a new change and prepares for the transition to an advanced student. A purple belt sees NUK SOO® as part of their daily routine, akin to sleeping and eating; they push harder on every exercise to get the most out of the experience. This 90-day challenge is tough! to get this far is impressive;… I am proud of you.

You are a Brown Belt. Brown represents the ripening of the seed and its maturing and harvesting process. A brown belt is an advanced student who has seen and felt a difference in their body and mindset. They are becoming a source of inspiration to their friends and family… You are Warrior.. enjoy this feeling, stay focused and just keep on going.

You are so nearly there! Red signifies the red hot heat of the Sun as the plant continues to grow toward it. A red belt student is gaining a more detailed knowledge of themselves. The red belt student learns to be more cautious with their knowledge, physical abilities and confidence. Red also means danger, be careful not to get complacent or become vain with your improved body composition. Remain focused.

You are now a NUK SOO® Black Belt. This is not the end… because a black belt warrior is still a student. Black signifies the darkness beyond the sun. In these final 10 days, a good black belt student must maintain humility by reminding themselves of their own personal journey) and stay committed to the path of continuous improvement. As you train, focus on enjoying your performance, feeling at one with your body and be elegant, be mindful and use your movements as tools of expression. You are Warrior… and don’t forget it!
Drills & Thrills
In this section of you will find additional little exercise challenges to keep you stimulated!
Launching October 2021


Latest News
Hi. I’ve been beavering away for a few months, making updates on the NUK SOO experience. These all went live on Sept 1st 2021.
- Inclusion of this latest news section. Whenever I have some major news regarding NUK SOO, I will add it here.
- Launch of NUK SOO Extra. This is the big one!… It’s where I house all my new bonus workouts, extra technical lessons and added resources. I have mainly created this for those of you who have done the 90-day challenge multiple times and want more!. There are 6 sections to NUK SOO extra; Warrior Mindset, Kettlebells, Running, Drill & Thrills & Martial Arts (and NUK SOO Lifestyle which will launch soon). In each section, I shall regularly be adding new workouts, challenges, and instructional videos to keep things fresh and interesting for you… NUK SOO extra helps makes NUK SOO more of a resource and a lifestyle for you… not just a workout!
- Inclusion of (audio) WARRIOR MEDITATIONS. These pop up at the end of some of the Warrior Circuits. I share ideas, thoughts and contemplations that helps connect the physical side of NUK SOO to the mental side, thus better helping you develop your Warrior Spirit.
- The new menu page (this page) had a makeover that includes a more intuitive navigation system, more mobile-friendly and a greater emphasis on the belt system to help you remember the day you’re on! and reinforce the martial arts vibe of NUK SOO.
- I have written more motivational & inspirational content inside the introduction & welcome pages and inside the weekly mindset lessons.
- Re-curated all Spotify playlists. They are all 90 mins now and include many new songs.
- During September I shall relaunch NUK SOO on instagram. Please come and say hello at @nuk _soo.
When I first wrote NUK SOO it a couple of years ago I wanted it to feel like a self-development tool rather than just a workout… I don’t think I achieved that. This update gives you more exercises, tools and resources but also shifts the overall tone, so now there is more balanced between mental and physical development. I have no doubt that this new version of NUK SOO will add to your member experience, motivate you, and help you take that warrior spirit of yours to new heights. Enjoy.