Living our best life can be tricky! Today I want to share two mindset tips that I think will help.

1) Have a way of dealing with information overload

It doesn’t matter what system you employ! but life can feel so overwhelming, with everyone posting opinions and experts disagreeing over what is best. It is hard enough knowing what we should do let alone worry about execution!. We need a solution. I’m a big fan of ignoring the noise, simplifying life and finding real experts to teach me stuff… I’d go so far as to say it doesn’t really matter what you learn!… if you find a great teacher who is as passionate as they are skilled, then hire them! The key to navigating through information is to be selective and employ critical reasoning.

My first-ever podcast episode (which I only just recorded 10 days ago- yay!) discusses this in more detail and gives some additional insight.

2) Take the red pill… and change your limiting beliefs

Our beliefs help us make sense of and navigate through the world. They are easily formed yet rarely challenged (by ourselves). The brain is designed to be more efficient than accurate!

So, when we study neuroscience, human psychology, and modern philosophy, we realise that beliefs are not static but fluid entities that justify our actions more than an objective ‘truth’. Like Neo… I always recommend taking the metaphorical Red Pill and living a life full of (self-awareness. To live a fit, well and athletic life, we have to look at how we make decisions and see if there are any limiting thought patterns and inaccurate beliefs that are holding us back.

In my second podcast episode, recorded the other day, I discuss your beliefs and share a story of a client who had a negative belief about their body and what we did to reinforce a better ‘replacement belief’. I also share an essential exercise that helps you become more aware of your general beliefs surrounding your body and exercisee.

The MX Podcast

My brand new MX podcast explores fitness, wellness and is primarily here to support our many Methodology X™ fans, be they MX class goers or online workout club members. New episodes will drop every so often! To listen & subscribe to future episodes (via Apple, Spotify etc) please click here. Thanks.